Everything moved to the new location:
Doug, Mike, Jim, and helpers Ron W. Jereiamh C. met Saturday at the VFW to move the Club to the new location at the EMA.
This came as a very quick needed to be done time on Saturday and more will be explained at the next meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 6:00 PM at the EMA at 401 E. Main St. Richmond. The VFW was making changes and even not opening for breakfast on Saturday mornings.
We are also needing every member that can to attend for October meeting. If you are unable to enter in from the Private Entrance because of the steps, then be sure to connect one of the officers below before the meetings and we can escort you from the south parking lot area to the meeting room.
This will be a good area, this is where years ago that the WVARC was at
"Welcome Home"
President: Jim Scott kb9sjz@comcast.net
Vice President: Mike Laboyteaux kb9ml@comcast.net
Secretary: Doug Skinner w9ked@comcast.net