History of WVARC

Written by Herb McAdams, N9XC formerly KB9HM and originally WB9LCN in what appears to be 1978.



          It all began one chilly evening, October 21, 1974. Don Cook K9GT, ex. WB9LOV, Lloyd Fox K9KY, ex. WB9DVY, Herb McAdams N9XC, ex. WB9LCN, Robert Fischbach K9WP, Roger Cowan K9VP, ex. K9FZS and Jerry Uhte K9UT, ex. WB9KGR met at the home of Herb McAdams to discuss the possibility of forming a new radio club.


          The following are the minutes of that very first organizational meeting: A vote was taken of those present wishing to form a new radio club. All voted “yes”


A discussion followed on what dates should be reserved for meeting nights. The third Thursday of each month was decided on tentatively with a social period to start at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting for follow at 7:30 p.m.


The Richmond Gas Company was suggested as a place for the first meeting. All approved and members also volunteered their homes as future meeting places.


After much discussion, the name “The Whitewater Valley Amateur Radio Club,” was approved by all.


It was suggested that a set of Bi-Laws and a Constitution be drawn up before the next regular meeting.


The following temporary officers were selected:

Herb McAdams – President

Roger Cowan – Vice President

Jerry Uhte – Secretary/Treasure

Bill Ingerman – Activities Manager


It was decided that the club would be open to all amateurs and interested persons.


Dues were established at $6.00 for full membership with voting rights and $3.00 for associate membership with no voting rights.


It was decided that refreshments would be served at all meeting.


A TVI Committee was also suggested but no action was taken on forming one.


The meeting was adjourned for coffee and doughnuts. The group also toured WB9LCN (N9XC’s) shack.


The dues collected at this first meeting on October 21 amounted to $42.00


That’s how it all began! A long-time dream had come true.


          The second meeting was held on November 21, 1974 at the Richmond Gas Company. Word of the meeting had gotten around with the help of the media and 19 people attended.   We now had a Constitution and Bi-Laws. Charter membership applications could be filled out up to the fourth meeting. Code and theory classes were discussed along with membership cards.  Our very first club project was to set up stations at the Richmond Square Mall to send Christmas Greetings and to promote Ham Radio in the Richmond area. This was something that had been neglected for years! It was a big success and it is now an annual event.


          On November 21, 1974, the club had $47.41 in its treasury.


          A third meeting was held with 19 present. A post office box was rented. Would u believe, for only $5 per year? A certificate was presented to the club by the Indiana Section Emergency Coordinator for outstanding public service at the mall set-up. We became affiliated with the American Radio Relay League. The club began holding raffles at each meeting to help pay for postage and refreshments. The treasury had $43.43.


          At the forth meeting the club joined the Indiana Radio Club Council. The club decided to set-up and the Salvation Army and the Red Cross for the January Simulated Emergency Test. Membership now stood at 21


          In our fifth meeting, our first Field Day was planned with K9IYT as Chairman. Our first awards for upgrading were passed out. Membership was now 24 and the club had $85 in the treasury.


          The sixth meeting was attended by 28 persons. Name tags with the club name, call sign and town were ordered. Colors of yellow and royal blue were selected as our club colors.


          On the ninth meeting held in June, 1975, we had our first official nominations of officers. We also had our first newsletter distributed. Field Day plans were finalized.


On October 14, 1975 a birthday cake was unveiled to celebrate our first birthday. The President’s Award was presented to Lloyd Fox K9KY, for outstanding club service. It had been a great year for the club and its members. The word was spreading throughout the area. Local newspapers, radio, QST and the Bison were also spreading the news about our new club. Something was happening in Richmond , IN ! A sleeping giant was finally awakening.


Thanks Herb, for helping check the history for errors!!! I wasn't a part of this back then but it's been interesting learning about it while putting this together.


On November 27, 1998 another group was formed with in the WHITEWATER VALLEY CLUB, all our Charter members have become members of the QUARTER CENTURY WIRELESS ASSOCIATION (QCWA). As a result of this we have founded the EASTERN INDIANA CHAPTER # 205 OF THE QCWA. On April 25, 2000 we were granted the club call of W9QCW. The members meet once a month for a breakfast meeting in various restaurants here in Richmond . We hold the W.V.A.R.C. 2 meter net each Sunday evening at 8:00 pm on the 147.270 Repeater. All check-ins are welcome. For additional information on our clubs contact BUSTER WEBB KG9ND at kg9nd@ruraltek.com or STEVE SHANK sshank@arrl.net or JOHN STRAIN jfstrain@aol.com. FOR QCWA information contact HERB MCADAMS n9xc@verizon.net or JOHN STRAIN jfstrain@aol.com.





The primary objective of the White Water Valley Amateur Club is to provide emergency communications support to the Wayne County communities during a major emergency or disaster and during times of severe weather.

The club provides communication support for other public services on a secondary basis. It also encourages the Amateur Radio Service through education to the general public.

The club's activities range from a weekly radio check-in, to a monthly meeting, to full-scale emergency activity support In between members participate in occasional drills, provide communication support for a number of other community activities participate in the annual Field Day Competition.